Since 2011, our Focus is on Delivering Healthy Food, Nutrition Environment

To marginalized communities and women.

What We Do

Support our Researcher by funding to evaluate and translate the research findings

Promoting Agricultural Empowerment:

In our pursuit of a resilient agricultural system, we sow the seeds of change by investing in nutritional crops, identifying value-added products, and creating marketing linkages. Our approach transcends traditional farming methods, focusing on sustainable practices that enhance dietary diversity and combat malnutrition in underserved communities.

Fortification Approach:

Amidst the vast array of food products, our fortification approach stands as a beacon of health and wellness. With meticulous care and dedication, we enrich products with essential nutrients, addressing the silent scourge of malnutrition and hidden hunger. Through fortification, we strive to nourish bodies and minds, paving the way for healthier futures.

Investing in Research and Innovation:

At the heart of progress lies research and innovation. We embark on a journey of discovery, uncovering new pathways to health and vitality. Through relentless pursuit of knowledge, we unlock the door to transformative solutions that redefine the landscape of healthcare and agriculture. With each breakthrough, we illuminate the path to a brighter tomorrow.

Creating Healthy Environments for Accessibility:

Accessibility is the cornerstone of our mission to promote health and wellness. We craft environments where healthier options abound, empowering individuals to make informed choices for their well-being. Through education and advocacy, we break down barriers to access, ensuring that health and nutrition are within reach for all.

Affordable Healthcare Services:

In our commitment to equitable healthcare, we extend a helping hand to those in need. Through awareness campaigns and outreach initiatives, we shine a light on healthcare schemes and services that offer hope and healing to marginalized communities. By making healthcare accessible and affordable, we pave the way for a healthier society.

Women Empowerment & Entrepreneurship:

Empowering women is key to unlocking the full potential of communities. Through entrepreneurship and self-sustainable programs, we provide women with the tools and resources to thrive. By fostering economic independence and empowerment, we cultivate a future where women are catalysts for change and champions of progress.

Evidence, Advocacy & Chnage


Emphasize the importance of evidence-based practices, which involves integrating the best available evidence that informs practice, policy development & program implementation


Engages with Policymakers, stakeholders and the public to raise awareness about nutrition related issues, and mobilize support for initiatives


BY leveraging evidence and advocacy, AFND seeks to catalyze systemic change in healthcare systems, educational institutions, community setting and policy environment.

Our Focus Area

with a goal to improve the resilience of affected communities

  • Agriculture


    Agriculture: Fostering sustainable farming practices, promoting food security, and empowering agricultural communities for economic growth.

  • Education


    Empowering individuals through knowledge and skills development, fostering lifelong learning and personal growth.

  • Livelihood


    Creating opportunities for sustainable employment and economic empowerment, enhancing livelihoods and building resilience.

  • Health


    Promoting wellness and access to healthcare services, ensuring individuals lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Our Approach

Approach that we endeavour to incorporate in all future engagements to sustainably change the quality of lives

Bridging Academia and Practice
Product Evaluation & Endorsement
Empowering Professional Growth
Diverse Outreach Initiatives

Resource Hub

Anameia Malnutriton 2024

09 February, 2024 Read more

Cervical Cancer

09 February, 2024 Read more

Exhibition on Obesity and Weight Management

Government, media, healthcare, and social entrepreneurs crucial for combating obesity epidemic in India.

Kids & Teens, What you and your mother shold know better about food?

Teaching kids and teens about food essentials, something every mother should know

Dr. Rahika's Line about Diabetics & Nutrition

Approach sweeteners with caution, considering their impact on health.

The Healthy Supermarket an Integrated Model

CFME: Evidence-based healthcare model in India for prevention, despite challenges, shows promising potential.