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At AFND, our journey is a tapestry of transformative programs woven across three primary areas: Health and Wellbeing, Hunger and Malnutrition, and Education, Research, and Innovation. Our story unfolds in the relentless pursuit of nurturing healthier communities, where every individual thrives in a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.

In our crusade against Hunger and Malnutrition, we extend our hands to those who face the silent crisis of food scarcity and nutritional deficiency. We believe in nourishing bodies and minds, ensuring that every person has access to the essential nutrients needed for growth and development. The realm of Education is where we ignite the spark of knowledge and innovation. Here, we delve into research that unravels new insights, fostering learning that leads to lasting change. Our commitment to innovation propels us to discover sustainable solutions that address today's challenges while safeguarding tomorrow.

While these three areas form our core, our story encompasses much more. We tread on the path of responsible consumption and production, ensuring that every step we take is in harmony with our planet. In the fields of Agriculture, we sow the seeds for sustainable practices that nurture life on land, fostering an environment where nature and humanity coexist in balance.

Our narrative is also one of bridging divides and building connections. We strive to reduce inequalities and foster sustainable livelihoods, believing that a better world is built on the foundations of equity and opportunity for all.

In the backdrop of our endeavors, we are acutely aware of the changing climate. Our actions are intertwined with Climate Action, as we adapt and innovate to mitigate the impacts of an evolving environment.

And at the heart of our story is Gender Equality. In every chapter of our journey, we champion the rights and opportunities for women and girls, for we know that when they flourish, communities thrive.

Thus, the tapestry of AFND is rich and diverse, interweaving various threads to create a holistic picture of sustainable development and positive change.

Our teamwork across Tamil Nadu and all districts and towns and we are planning to expand this across India.

How will my donation make a difference?

The funds collected from our fundraising initiatives are meticulously allocated to a diverse array of impactful programs and activities:

Empowerment of Women and Girls: Targeting the upliftment of women and girls in impoverished and marginalized communities to help them overcome poverty and social exclusion.

  • Nutrient-Rich Product Delivery: Distributing essential, nutrient-rich products to address micronutrient deficiencies in communities needing nutritional support.
  • Holistic Development Programs: Facilitating education for out-of-school girls, crucial for their empowerment. Working towards reducing infant mortality and enhancing maternal health. Creating sustainable livelihood opportunities for project participants. Combatting malnutrition among marginalized families to promote overall health.
  • Building Supportive Environments: Constructing spaces that foster health, education, and economic development in communities.
  • Gender Equality and Resilience Building: Striving for a more gender-equal society, enhancing community resilience to social and economic challenges, and empowering women entrepreneurs.
  • Healthcare and Education System Enhancement: Strengthening healthcare and education delivery to ensure services reach the most vulnerable.
  • Capacity Building: Training educators, healthcare workers, and other key functionaries to provide high-quality services.
  • Promoting Healthier Lifestyles: Educating communities about making healthier choices through various platforms, including supermarkets, parks, religious institutions, schools, and offices, using informative health sign boards.
  • Market Support for Healthier Products: Helping entrepreneurs bring healthier products to the market and providing community-level education and knowledge about these products.
  • Rural Health and Nutrition Focus: Ensuring that rural communities have access to healthcare services and healthier food options, addressing the specific challenges of rural health and nutrition.
At AFND, we prioritize the privacy and security of our donors. We have stringent measures in place to ensure that all personal information is kept confidential and is not shared with external entities.
Donations to AFND qualify for a 50% tax exemption under Section 80 G. We provide tax receipts for all contributions, sent via email and traditional mail. For more information, please visit our website: .
Our funding comes from a variety of sources, including individual donors, corporate contributions, and institutional support.
Projects are chosen based on our strategic programming framework. This framework guides us in selecting the most impactful projects, focusing on key areas and outcomes.
To protect the privacy of our beneficiaries, we do not share their personal details with donors. Donations are pooled and allocated to various programs as needed.
Yes, as we are registered under the FCRA, 2010, AFND can accept donations in foreign currencies from NRIs with donations made from foreign bank accounts.
Yes, being registered under the FCRA, 2010, allows us to accept funds from international donors.
Yes, we partner with third-party agencies for fundraising. These agencies are thoroughly trained about AFND and its programs to ensure accurate representation.
Our decade-long work in promoting healthy foods and environments, particularly focusing on women and children, has established our credibility. We are committed to making a meaningful impact, which has helped us build and maintain trust with our donors.
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Your help Can make better life & future For poor people & child's
